Friday, October 26, 2012


总统大选在最后关头,某日,乖小宝问妈妈,准备选谁呢?呵呵,那还用问吗,当然不是来自芝加哥的那位!乖小宝听了不乐意,Why? Obama wants to create more jobs by saving the environment, Mitt Romney is against that. Don’t you want to save the environment? Don’t you want to create more jobs?



乖小宝才不管妈妈心中的不满,频频追问,为什么呀? 为什么?I will vote for Obama, our environment is terrible, we need to save it!! Obama is saving the environment by having more people picking trash from beaches 【画外音:奥巴马好像没怎么说过吧】, so he creates more jobs too!!! Why are you not voting for him?

妈妈瘪瘪嘴,很不耐烦地打发,因为奥巴马要建设有美国特色的社会主义呗。乖小宝听不懂社会主义是啥,妈妈只好解释,就是大政府大福利呗,就像共产主义一样。Communism I like communist They believe in spreading the wealth. I think that is a good idea. 妈妈真的很想找块豆腐撞死,咋培养出一个共产党员来呢。还好,乖小宝接着说啦,but communism never worked out the way it‘s intended!「画外音,呵呵,算你转口得快!」

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