Monday, October 15, 2012

About Me

妈妈无意读到乖小宝在girl scouts发的planner上写的自我介绍,觉得乖小宝好假仙啊,特别记下来。
  1. My favorite color is: Red
  2. My favorite subject is: Art
  3. My favorite activity is: Reading
  4. My favorite singer is: Elvis Presley 【名字还给拼对了,看来是真爱哟】
  5. My favorite song is: Fireworks
  6. My favorite movie is: [blank] 【乖小宝是真的很不爱看电影】
  7. My favorite TV show is: The news 【最爱的电视节目是新闻?不是Postcard from Buster吗?这又不是选总统,不可以说出自己心中的真爱】
  8. My favorite book is: Button the runaway puppy 【不是rainbow magic?】
  9. My favorite author is: Daisy Meadow 【呵呵,终究没憋住,写上rainbow magic的作者】
  10. My favorite sport is: Golf 【太夸张了,小朋友,你高尔夫球场都没去过!】
  11. Favorite school memory: First day of school
  12. Why do you like being a kid? Because I get money from others 【确实,长大后,每天早上睁开眼,全是要付的账单】
  13. What advice would you give your parents? Not to be so bossy 【嗯,爸爸妈妈要检讨一下】
  14. If you could be any animal, which one would you be? Monkey
  15. What was the nicest thing you did for someone? Wash their feet.
  16. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? Homework 【这么悲观啊】

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