Sunday, February 27, 2011


上周是开学一百天,围绕着100天的主题老师组织了许多活动,有100天party,有手工,比如做100天的皇冠还有100个froot loops的项链,写100个你知道的单词,最后还有一道命题作文,If I had 100 dollars...


If  I had 100 dollars, I would be rich! I can buy whatever I want! I would buy a store so people can give me more money. Then I would buy a ship (cruise ship), and people would give me even more money! I would be even richer. (掉到钱眼里就是了)

妈妈惊得无法消化,乖小宝还在一边补充,this is like a pattern, I would have less money(投资),then I would have more money(收益)。

妈妈赶紧问乖小宝成为船王以后还有何宏伟大计,乖小宝想了想,I would be a doctor, and I would be a doctor for the rest of my life. 【画外音:嗯,还是有个一技之长比较保险】

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