Sunday, April 29, 2012



I will check if you are breathing. 【画外音:不确定乖小宝懂得如何查,但好吧勉强过关】
Then I will check if your heart is beating! 【画外音:听到这,妈妈的老心脏开始跳得越来越快了】
If your heart is not beating, then I will take out your ipad and google or brainpop on CPR. Then I will perform a CPR on you!

想到等乖小宝做完这一切,妈妈早就死翘翘了,妈妈终于忍无可忍,大吼,Can you please  just call 9-1-1?


Unknown said...

Have you taught her how to use phone/cell yet?

乖宝妈 said...

She knew how to use cell but not regular phone, frankly we don't use our home phone often.