Tuesday, March 15, 2011


日本大地震,本来要去日本度春假的计划自然取消了。和乖小宝解释,乖小宝很着急,hello kitty的家有震坏吗?

电视里连番报道震后惨状,乖小宝看了些皮毛后有些忧心忡忡,What are they going to do with the mess? How are they going to clean it up? Are they going to build new houses? 是挺让人发愁啊。。。

乖小宝问妈妈地震和海啸是如何发生的,妈妈解释板块相碰产生能量。乖小宝听后沉默片刻,we should never travel to any place that is on the edge of the puzzle pieces! (乖小宝把地球板块理解成地球仪拼图呢)

晚上,在吃巧克力的乖小宝又突然问妈妈,爱尔兰有地震吗?好像没有听说。乖小宝听了松口气,Good, I don't want you to die. And I don't want this delicious chocolate to ruin as well (巧克力是妈妈从爱尔兰带回的)。【画外音,嗯,是真的担心妈妈呢还是担心断了巧克力的来源啊?】

1 comment:

木耳妈妈 said...

听说hello kitty 的作家也遇难了。