妈妈和乖小宝提出,以后只有很好很好的作品妈妈才收购。乖小宝正因为爸爸妈妈让乖小宝睡觉不给看Blue’s Clues而大不爽,这下可找到发泄口了。。。
I am an artist, I used to get money, but now you took my job away, I am going to be very poor,just like the Indians。 [也有有钱的印第安人好不好] I am just going to be a very poor person living in a rich country. [呵呵,富国穷人是比穷国穷人更痛苦]
乖小宝越说越委屈,晶莹的金豆豆滔滔不绝:I am just a kid, you know,I can’t draw like those people(artists in the art museum), but I have been practicing, I work really hard every day! But now you fire me! My art will never be in the museum, all the spaces are taken by those people!
妈妈更正,如果画得好,艺术馆没位子也会腾出位子来的。自管自地沉浸在想象的悲惨世界中的乖小宝听了有如火上浇油:You just don’t like me, do you?You don’t want me to be famous!I used to have a job![这是什么伪艺术家嘛,没人付钱就不画了?!]
虽然妈妈心里不敢苟同,但乖小宝的哭诉还是把妈妈浓浓的罪恶感勾起。[这年头,没有HR介入,想开除个人不容易啊] 罢了,接着收购就是了!劳资冲突就以万恶不赦的资本家的节节退让而结束了。

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