乖小宝才不管妈妈心中的不满,频频追问,为什么呀? 为什么?I will vote for Obama, our environment
is terrible, we need to save it!! Obama is saving the environment by
having more people picking trash from beaches 【画外音:奥巴马好像没怎么说过吧】, so he creates more jobs too!!! Why are you not
voting for him?
I like communist! They believe in spreading the wealth.
I think that is a good idea. 妈妈真的很想找块豆腐撞死,咋培养出一个共产党员来呢。还好,乖小宝接着说啦,but communism never worked out the way
it‘s intended!「画外音,呵呵,算你转口得快!」