Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Jolin's First Week at Daycare


As promised, updates on Jolin's first week @ day care…

Monday: It was brutal. We arrived a bit late, it was already breakfast time, Jolin is definitely not happy about going to a new place, seeing all the new faces and be strapped in a chair immediately upon arrival. I stayed with her till after breakfast. She was playing with toys and I left. She cried of course when she saw me leaving but her teacher was able to rock her to sleep. I came back at lunch time, she didn't like being strapped in the highchair and refuse to eat anything. Or it could be she doesn't really know how to eat on her own - her grandparents have always fed her. She can't even drink formula on her own! Other kids in her class - all are just slightly over a year old - can eat pretty well on their own. We ended up leaving after lunch.

Tuesday: We got there earlier - she cried the moment she was handed to a caregiver. I called back in an hour, she is not happy to be confined in her crib but otherwise okay. I went back at lunch time, peaking through the window, she was actually sitting in her chair trying to eat! No tears at all! Of course she still doesn’t know how to eat yet but she behaved herself and smiled occasionally. What a relief! I came back to pick her up at 2:30pm - she was very tired and haven't eaten anything but otherwise okay.

Wednesday: She still cried in the morning but was sitting in her chair at breakfast time. Didn't eat anything. Cried at morning nap time - she doesn't like to be alone in the crib - she was like that at home so no surprise. For Lunch she didn't eat anything but was in good mood, smile to teachers. Sleep for the afternoon nap.

So looks like she is getting there, slowly. It is hard on her and on us as well. My emotion this week went up and down depends on how she was doing at day care. One lesson learned (maybe useful to Yan) is that we should let her eat on her own earlier - children in China can't eat on their own till 2 or 3 and we never realized that kids here are doing so well at this young age.